Naturopathic Compounding
We work with many naturopathic physicians in Greater Vancouver. We understand the importance of naturopathic focus to approach treatment plans maximize our body's natural healing ability.
We compound many naturopathic physicians prescriptions including: bio identical hormones, low dose naltrexone, thyroid, slow release liothyronine, the use of hypoallergenic fillers.

We work closely with naturopathic doctors to compound bio identical hormones with natural sources and variety of dosage forms.

Many non medical ingredients in commercially available medications have fillers you may be sensitive and allergic too. We can compound your prescription using hypoallergenic fillers or no fillers at all.

Thyroid and Naltrexone
Low dose naltrexone and natural thyroid or slow release formulations need to be compounded. We can formulate and compound low dose naltrexone and thyroid prescriptions