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Caring After Menopause: Signs to look for

Steven Chang R.Ph

Peri-menopause is marked by irregular periods. There are signs that you should pay more attention to and be checked up to ensure long term health.

Menopause is defined by not having menstrual bleeding after 12 consecutive months. Once menopause happens, menstrual bleeding should stop completely. Abnormal vaginal bleeding can be a sign that requires check up by the doctor immediately for possible endometrial cancer (cancer to the uterus lining).

Menopause is a risk factor for endometrial cancer, due to over stimulation of estrogen. The abnormal bleeding after menopause can be a early sign of endometrial cancer. Ultrasound and biopsy can be preformed to properly diagnose this.

Menopause is also a risk factor for other conditions and diseases. It is recommended for menopause women to have physical check ups for liver function, kidney function, mammography, bone density, PAP test, and cholesterol level.

Lifestyle and dietary changes are often recommended first for symptoms management of peri-menopause. Hormone replace therapy can be prescribed by the doctor and other herbal supplements are available if menopausal symptoms are not well managed by lifestyle changes alone.

Fatigue, insomnia, muscle soreness, memory and focus issues, depressions and mood swings, hot flashes, dry eyes often cause stress and fear for women before peri-menopause.

Similar to puberty and pregnancy, menopause is another hormonal change that every female will experience and overcome.

Listen to your body, pace yourself, adjust and adapt to lifestyle and diet changes, and have a good health care team will ensure a smooth transition in menopause.

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